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NJS Frame

Beyond the century

Collected and loved across generations

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Inherit the times

Fusion of past and present

Life with Keirin frame

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The art of Keirin NJS parts and tips of customization

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Getting know us

Our passion & promise

Owners: Toshifumi Kodama, an active professional Keirin cyclist, and Masterpista Nakase Junichi, who has a deep love for fixed-gear bicycles.
現役の競輪選手 児玉利文と固定ギアをこよなく愛するマスターピストの中瀬純一がタッグを組みました。日本の伝統公営競技KEIRINの世界をお楽しみください。

The Challenging Path of Keirin Cyclists 2

The Challenging Path of Keirin Cyclists 2

I have five disciples, and some of them are currently enrolled in the training center. The eligible age for the exams has changed significantly, starting from 17 years old. In other words, you can take the exams from your second year of high school.
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The Challenging Path of Keirin Cyclists 1

The Challenging Path of Keirin Cyclists 1

I'd like you to listen to my story for a moment. Since my father was also a keirin cyclist, keirin has always been a familiar presence in my life. However, my interest in keirin didn't develop until much later. When I was a child, I received a BMX bike and became a cycling enthusiast, participating in road races and going on cycling trips to various places. It wasn't until I was in high school that I started seriously pursuing track cycling.
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My 28years career with Panasonic

My 28years career with Panasonic

When you hear the name Panasonic, you might think more of home appliances than bicycles in Japan. However, Panasonic is a highly recognized brand worldwide, having supplied frames to a professional road cycling team in the Netherlands during the 1980s.
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